If you are looking to get the most durable and beautiful rainwater system made with SSAB metal, look no further. All Metal Roof Canada rainwater systems come with a 50-year warranty and are extremely durable, recyclable, and easy to install.

Ruuki Rainwater System
Easy to transport and install, the Ruukki rainwater system is a ready-to-go solution for gutters and down pipes.
- Gutter package includes 15mm straight gutter and all parts needed for installation
- Down pipe package includes 3.5m down pipe and all parts needed for installation
Ruukki rainwater systems feature a two-sided Pural coating, making them highly durable. Ruukki’s gutters and downpipes both come with a 20-year technical warranty.
Learn MoreStruga Rainwater System
The Struga gutter system consists of a number of high quality accessories that fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Installation is always problem-free. The system provides rigidity, ductility and durability, is fully recyclable, energy efficient and easy to install.
Learn More
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